
Primary Sources

“Ada Schweitzer, Child Health Expert, Dead.” Indianapolis Star, 2 June 1951.

“Eugenic Sterilization in Indiana.” Indiana Law Journal. 38:2 (1963): 275-89.

Goddard, Henry H., Ph.D. “Sterilization and Segregation.” Indiana Bulletin of Charities and Correction, 91st quarter (1912): 424-28.

“Hopeful Mothers and Fathers Bring Children to Baby Contest.” Indianapolis News, 4 September 1929, 1, 14.

Hurty, John N. “Practical Eugenics in Indiana.” The Ohio State Medical Journal. 8:2 (1912): 55-60.

Indiana Mothers’ Baby Book, 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Indiana State Board of Health, 1920.
Pages 1-41 (3.91 MB)
Pages 42-83 (4.19 MB)

McCormick, C. O. “Is the Indiana 1935 Sterilization of the Insane Act Functioning?” Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association. 42:9 (1949): 919-20.

“Mothers and Babies on Hand early at State Fair Contest.” Indianapolis News, 3 September 1923, 1.

“Proud Relatives Watch Better Babies Examined at Fair.” Indianapolis News, 5 September 1927, 17.

________. Racial Hygiene: A Practical Discussion of Eugenics and Race Culture. New York: MacMillan Company, 1929.

________. The Hoosier Health Officer: A Biography of Dr. J.N. Hurty. Indianapolis: Indiana State Board of Health, 1946.

Schweitzer, Ada. “Is Indiana a Good Parent.” Hub of the Universe 6, no. 5 (1928): 1.

“Surgeons to Deal with Criminals.” Indianapolis Star, 7 March 1907, 10.

Indiana Eugenics Legislation

1907 Sterilization Law
1927 Sterilization Law
1931 Sterilization Law
1935 Sterilization Law
1974 Sterilization Repeal

Secondary Sources

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Hall, Stephen R. “Oscar McCulloch and Indiana Eugenics.” Ph.D. thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1993

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